
My name is Rohan Bhargava, a computer science student who loves all things Java, C++, Python

Bay Area, CA


BSc Computer Science - Applied Mathematics

University of California, San Diego

  • GPA: 3.5 (Provost Honors)
  • Coursework: CSE 11: Object Oriented Programming, CSE 12: Data Structures and Object-Oriented Design, CSE 30: Computer Organization and Systems Programming, CSE 21: Mathematics for Algorithms and Systems


Software Engineering Intern

Cisco Systems

  • Worked with a team of full time employees to design and build a series of applications in order to simplify decision making processes, help Cisco meet its quarter end targets, and facilitate control of the supply chain (Java, Javascript, AngularJS, JQuery, SQL, HTML)
  • Used big data to research Cisco suppliers’ pricing habits and develop a predictive algorithm in order to help Cisco negotiate the best price point for critical components

IT Support

University of California, San Diego

  • Provide technical software and hardware support to various faculty and staff across campus


ForceFocus - Work in Progress


  • Google Chrome extension that tracks your calendar and blocks distracting websites if you have a class currently going on or a test coming up, used Google APIs and Javascript

Vitual Reality Jeep Adventure


  • Built a virtual reality game for the Oculus Rift and the Myo armband using Unity and C# in 36 hours at SDHacks

Spy Chat

GitHub Heroku

  • Developed a web application allowing people to send each other encoded messages using Python, Flask, HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Heroku